Sri Lanka is Back

The island remains utterly captivating and the message is out. Now is the time to visit!

Sri Lanka is Safe

It’s undeniable that Sri Lanka has had it fair share of difficulties. However, stability has returned and economic recovery is underway. The resilience of its people has persisted and Sri Lanka is safe to travel. 

Irrefutably, the island remains superlatively beautiful and the signature warmth of its people irresistible. With Sri Lanka featuring across several media publications, the word is out. Now is the time to visit!


June 2024   The new way to see sri lanka’s lesser known wildlife


June 2024   when i return to sri lanka this is what i will do


  May 2024     Sri Lanka’s Popularity is surging with travellers


February 2024      Sri Lanka in  Best Hotels & Resorts in the world: gold list 2024


  May 2023    Looking to see the real sri Lanka? Explore by train 


  Feb 2023     Sri Lanka a top destination for wildlife outside of Africa


February 2023   The BEst Hotels in Sri Lanka


January 2023      Sri Lanka: why you need to visit in 2023


What to see in Sri Lanka